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Macros | Functions
<avr/eeprom.h>: EEPROM handling


#define EEMEM   __attribute__((section(".eeprom")))
#define eeprom_is_ready()
#define eeprom_busy_wait()   do {} while (!eeprom_is_ready())


uint8_t eeprom_read_byte (const uint8_t *__p) __ATTR_PURE__
uint16_t eeprom_read_word (const uint16_t *__p) __ATTR_PURE__
uint32_t eeprom_read_dword (const uint32_t *__p) __ATTR_PURE__
float eeprom_read_float (const float *__p) __ATTR_PURE__
void eeprom_read_block (void *__dst, const void *__src, size_t __n)
void eeprom_write_byte (uint8_t *__p, uint8_t __value)
void eeprom_write_word (uint16_t *__p, uint16_t __value)
void eeprom_write_dword (uint32_t *__p, uint32_t __value)
void eeprom_write_float (float *__p, float __value)
void eeprom_write_block (const void *__src, void *__dst, size_t __n)
void eeprom_update_byte (uint8_t *__p, uint8_t __value)
void eeprom_update_word (uint16_t *__p, uint16_t __value)
void eeprom_update_dword (uint32_t *__p, uint32_t __value)
void eeprom_update_float (float *__p, float __value)
void eeprom_update_block (const void *__src, void *__dst, size_t __n)

IAR C compatibility defines

#define _EEPUT(addr, val)   eeprom_write_byte ((uint8_t *)(addr), (uint8_t)(val))
#define __EEPUT(addr, val)   eeprom_write_byte ((uint8_t *)(addr), (uint8_t)(val))
#define _EEGET(var, addr)   (var) = eeprom_read_byte ((const uint8_t *)(addr))
#define __EEGET(var, addr)   (var) = eeprom_read_byte ((const uint8_t *)(addr))

Detailed Description

#include <avr/eeprom.h>

This header file declares the interface to some simple library routines suitable for handling the data EEPROM contained in the AVR microcontrollers. The implementation uses a simple polled mode interface. Applications that require interrupt-controlled EEPROM access to ensure that no time will be wasted in spinloops will have to deploy their own implementation.


Macro Definition Documentation

#define __EEGET (   var,
)    (var) = eeprom_read_byte ((const uint8_t *)(addr))

Read a byte from EEPROM. Compatibility define for IAR C.

#define __EEPUT (   addr,
)    eeprom_write_byte ((uint8_t *)(addr), (uint8_t)(val))

Write a byte to EEPROM. Compatibility define for IAR C.

#define _EEGET (   var,
)    (var) = eeprom_read_byte ((const uint8_t *)(addr))

Read a byte from EEPROM. Compatibility define for IAR C.

#define _EEPUT (   addr,
)    eeprom_write_byte ((uint8_t *)(addr), (uint8_t)(val))

Write a byte to EEPROM. Compatibility define for IAR C.

#define EEMEM   __attribute__((section(".eeprom")))

Attribute expression causing a variable to be allocated within the .eeprom section.

#define eeprom_busy_wait ( )    do {} while (!eeprom_is_ready())

Loops until the eeprom is no longer busy.

#define eeprom_is_ready ( )
1 if EEPROM is ready for a new read/write operation, 0 if not.

Function Documentation

void eeprom_read_block ( void *  __dst,
const void *  __src,
size_t  __n 

Read a block of __n bytes from EEPROM address __src to SRAM __dst.

uint8_t eeprom_read_byte ( const uint8_t __p)

Read one byte from EEPROM address __p.

uint32_t eeprom_read_dword ( const uint32_t __p)

Read one 32-bit double word (little endian) from EEPROM address __p.

float eeprom_read_float ( const float *  __p)

Read one float value (little endian) from EEPROM address __p.

uint16_t eeprom_read_word ( const uint16_t __p)

Read one 16-bit word (little endian) from EEPROM address __p.

void eeprom_update_block ( const void *  __src,
void *  __dst,
size_t  __n 

Update a block of __n bytes to EEPROM address __dst from __src.

The argument order is mismatch with common functions like strcpy().
void eeprom_update_byte ( uint8_t __p,
uint8_t  __value 

Update a byte __value to EEPROM address __p.

void eeprom_update_dword ( uint32_t __p,
uint32_t  __value 

Update a 32-bit double word __value to EEPROM address __p.

void eeprom_update_float ( float *  __p,
float  __value 

Update a float __value to EEPROM address __p.

void eeprom_update_word ( uint16_t __p,
uint16_t  __value 

Update a word __value to EEPROM address __p.

void eeprom_write_block ( const void *  __src,
void *  __dst,
size_t  __n 

Write a block of __n bytes to EEPROM address __dst from __src.

The argument order is mismatch with common functions like strcpy().
void eeprom_write_byte ( uint8_t __p,
uint8_t  __value 

Write a byte __value to EEPROM address __p.

void eeprom_write_dword ( uint32_t __p,
uint32_t  __value 

Write a 32-bit double word __value to EEPROM address __p.

void eeprom_write_float ( float *  __p,
float  __value 

Write a float __value to EEPROM address __p.

void eeprom_write_word ( uint16_t __p,
uint16_t  __value 

Write a word __value to EEPROM address __p.

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